De belangrijkste KPI's van je bedrijf

The pirate model AARRR is a framework that helps to identify and measure a company's most important KPIs. The model is based on the phases of a customer journey:

Acquisition: How do you get in touch with new customers?

Activation: What does a customer do after he or she first comes into contact with your company?

Retention: How do you keep customers coming back?

Referral: How can you recommend customers to others?

Revenue: How much money do you make with your business?

The most important KPIs for each phase


In the acquisition phase it is important to measure how many new customers you attract. Some important KPIs are:

Leads: The number of people who sign up for your newsletter, a demo or a free trial.

Conversion rate: The percentage of leads that become a customer.

Acquisition cost: The costs of attracting a new customer.


In the activation phase it is important to measure how many customers are active with your product or service. Some important KPIs are:

Day 1 activation: The percentage of customers who take an action, such as purchasing a product or using a service, within 24 hours of signing up.

Active users: The number of customers who are active with your product or service in a certain period.

Session duration: The average time a customer spends on your website or app.


In the retention phase it is important to measure how many customers return. Some important KPIs are:

Churn rate: The percentage of customers who stop using your product or service within a certain period.

Net promoter score: A score that indicates how likely a customer is to recommend your business to others.

Repeat purchase rate: The percentage of customers who make a second or third purchase within a certain period.


In the referral phase it is important to measure how many customers recommend you to others. Some important KPIs are:

Referral rate: The percentage of customers who recommend others.

Word-of-mouth marketing: The number of people who learned about your company through word-of-mouth.

Social media shares: The number of times people have shared your business on social media.


In the revenue phase it is important to measure how much money your company makes. Some important KPIs are:

Revenue: The total amount your company charges customers.

Gross margin: The percentage of turnover that you have left after you have deducted costs.

Net profit: The amount you have left after you have deducted all costs.


The AARRR pirate model is a powerful tool to identify and measure your company's most important KPIs. By tracking these KPIs, you can improve your company's performance and optimize your growth strategies.

Tips for using the pirate model AARRR

Here are some tips for using the AARRR pirate model:

Select the right KPIs for your company: Not all KPIs are relevant for every company. Select the KPIs that matter most to your business and your goals.

Measure your KPIs regularly: Measure your KPIs regularly to see how your business is performing. This helps you identify trends and adjust your strategies.

Compare your KPIs to benchmarks: Compare your KPIs to benchmarks to see how your company stacks up against other companies in your industry. This helps you see if your company is performing well.

The Pirate Model AARRR provides companies with a clear path to identifying and tracking crucial KPIs to drive their growth.